If you know Spanish, you have an advantage in the business world

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Price: 530€

Grow and reach better goals at the Costa de Valencia Spanish language school, where you learn the language spoken by more than 350 million Spanish speakers around the world. Total immersion to learn without realizing it, step by step, in a fun way in the Spanish city of the Mediterranean with more Life, Valencia.

At the end of the course you are ready to pass the exam that certifies your knowledge of business Spanish by the Madrid Chamber of Commerce; just a stone's throw from the beach and the historic centre. In short, life in Spanish

Possibility of shared accommodation or with a Spanish family.
# Availability
All year
# Services included
Books and all teaching material, level test, tutorials Extracurricular activities program, socio-cultural modules Attendance Certificate Wifi/WLan
# Other services
1200 €
exam fee