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Since 1860, Callosa d'en Sarrià’s Moors and Christians festival has filled the streets with music, firecrackers and enactments. Come and see it all for yourself.
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Callosa d'en Sarrià’s spectacular Moors and Christians is a festival that you’ll want to see. The festival is in honour of Mare de Déu de les Injúries and takes place around the second Saturday of October.

The festivities kick off with the Arrancà, which gives way to a succession of offerings, processions, entradas of the Moor and Christian legions, and local events such as Ball Moro. The associations compete to be named the best of the year and there are noisy enactments featuring plenty of firecrackers and gunpowder, the beat of music, always, in the background. Start planning your getaway to Callosa d'en Sarrià today to see its Event of Tourist Interest unfold.

*Please confirm event times and dates have not changed.

# Availability
All year