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Come to Millares to celebrate its patron saint festival and fall in love with the inland.

With its cave art and the dinosaur footprints, Millares is a destination that will transport you back centuries and centuries in time. The peaceful village sits on the banks of the river Júcar and offers visitors plenty of beautiful streets with white façades and traditional tiles to explore as well as scenery that lends itself to all sorts of adventures. But beyond all this, Millares is a place that knows how to put on a great celebration.

In August, normally around the 6, Millares celebrates Santísimo Cristo. During the festival, the locals put on religious events as well as other spectacles such as mascletà, a noisy firecracker display.

Other traditions include processions and parades in which the Unión Musical Millarense band will play tunes that will get you in the party mood. And that's not all: there's also music in Plaza Mayor. While you’re at the festival, you'll understand just why it's been listed an Event of Local Tourist Interest. So start planning your getaway today.

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Type of interest

Local tourist interest