Multimedia Gallery

The festivities in honour of the Patron Saint, the Virgin of the Sufragio and San Jaime Apostle are the most important to Benidorm. It is celebrated every year for 5 days, from the second weekend of November until the following Wednesday. The originality of the Staging of the Finding of the Patron Saint of Benidorm recreated on the beach is mixed de Poniente, along with processions, pilgrimages and other traditional events. There are fun-festive events organized by the Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals: musical performances, parades, correfocs, etc. There are also pyrotechnic events: awakenings, mascletàs, cordàs. The Peñas de Benidorm carry out a multitude of complementary activities among which the Humor Parade stands out.

More information

Segundo sábado de noviembre. Días 11 y 12, fiesta laboral local

Start date


Ending date


Type of interest

Autonomous tourist interest