Last Sunday of February

At 07.30 hours: Children’sdespertà.
At 07.40 hours: Classic Despertà, followed by a fallas-style breakfast offered to all participants.
At 12.00 hours: Entry of the bands.
At 13.45 hours: All the participant bands will perform the pasodoble (Folk dance) “El Fallero” in unison.
At 14.00 hours: Mascletà at the Town Hall Square.
At 19.30 hours and near the Torres de Serranos: Street entertainment shows.
At 20.00 hours: Crida, the Fallera Mayor de Valencia (Greater Fallera of Valencia), along with heir Court of Honour, the Fallera Mayor Infantil(Greater Children’s Fallera) and the civil authorities, invite everybody to enjoy the coming festivities. At the end of the same there will be light and colour pyrotechnic effects, followed by the floral offerings at the Real Basílica de la Virgen de los Desamparados (Our Lady of the Helpless).

From March 1 to 19

At 14:00 hours: Mascletà at the Town Hall square. 
At 00:00 hours (on Saturdays prior to March 15-19): nighttime Mascletà at the Town Hall square.

First Sunday of March
At 17:00 hours: Ninot parade (starting at Glorieta and ending at Xàtiva street). Mascletà at the end of the same.

March 14

At 15:00 hours: Closure of the children’s Ninot display.
At 18.00 hours: Reading of the popular verdict and proclamation of the pardoned children’s Ninot and of the best ninots in the section.
 At 18.15 hours: Collection of the children’s ninots by the Children’s fallas commissions of Valencia.

March 15

At 08:00 hours: Plantà of children’s fallas.
At 17.00 hours: Closure of the Ninot display.
At 18.00 hours: Reading of the popular verdict and proclamation of the pardoned Ninot Indultado and of the best ninots in the section.
At 18.15 hours: Collection of the ninots by the fallas commissions.
At 00:00 hours: Artificial fire castles at the Paseo de La Alameda (between the Las Flores bridge and Exposición bridge).

March 16

At 08:00 hours: Plantà of all the Fallas.
At 16.30 hours: Reparto de Premios de Fallas Infantiles.
At 01:00 hours: Artificial fire castle at Paseo de La Alameda (between the Las Flores bridge and Exposición bridge).

March 17

At 09:30 hours: Granting of the Fallas Prizes on the stand in front of the Town Hall.
From 15:30 hours: Offering of flowers to the Virgen de los Desamparados.
At 01:00 hours: Artificial fire castles at the Paseo de La Alameda (between the Las Flores bridge and Exposición bridge).

March 18

At 11:00 hours: Homage to poet Maximiliano Thous at the intersection between Sagunto street and Maximiliano Thous street. After the ceremony, a mascletà is held.
At 12:00 hours: Homage to Maestro Serrano at Reino de Valencia avenue.
From 15:30 hours: Offering of flowers to the Virgen de los Desamparados.
A la 01:30 hours: Nit del foc (Fire Night) at the Paseo de la Alameda.

March 19

At 11:00 hours: Offering of flowers by the Greater Falleras of Valencia and their courts of honour to the image of the Patriarch at San José bridge. A Mascletà is held afterwards.
At 12:00 hours: Solemn Mass in honour of Saint Joseph at the Cathedral of Valencia, offered by the Central Commission of Fallas and the Artistic Carpenters’ Guild.
At 19:00 hours: Fire parade.
At 22:00 hours: Cremà of the children’s fallas.
At 22.30 hours: Cremà of the children’s falla that won first prize in the special section.
At 23:00 hours: Cremà of the Town Hall children’s falla.
At 00:00 hours: Cremà of all the fallas in Valencia.
At 00.30 hours: Cremà of the falla that won first prize in the special section.
At 01:00 hours: Fireworks display at the Town Hall square and Cremà of the official Town Hall Square falla.