Aielo de Malferit

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Your exploration of this small Valencian town will transport you centuries back in time and show you the life and work of one of Spain’s most popular singers.
Located in the province of Valencia, Aielo de Malferit is perhaps best known for being the birthplace of Nino Bravo, the late singer who rose to fame for his ballads. The town has a museum dedicated to the artist where you can see hundreds of objects and belongings collected by his family and fans. But beyond its great music connection, the town is also bursting with great historic sites and beautiful landscapes.
What to see in Aielo de Malferit
Aielo del Malferit is an ancient place. Within the municipality borders, archaeologists have discovered all sorts of findings. The earliest date from the Bronze Age - found at Tossal del Llobero, Molló de les Mentires and Alt de la cova de Canet - with later vestiges dating to the Iberians and Romans several centuries later. The town is certainly a hotspot for archaeological sites.
Once you’ve explored all these historic sites, we’d recommend wandering around the town itself. Here you will come across 15th century Palacio de los Malferit, which currently houses the council, Modernist-inspired Hospital de la Beneficencia and the J.J. Mompó spirit factory, which bears testament to the destination’s long history in producing fine
When you make your way towards the river Clariano, you will see the hydroelectric plant dating to the year 1895 and La Arcada bridge, constructed in 1806. There is a much older bridge in the town, namely Allà Baix, which though it was built in the 16th century is still in a good condition. Other places of interest include Paseo de l’Eixample and San Pedro Apóstol parish church, built in the year 1732.
If you happen to be in Aielo de Malferit around Lent and Easter, you simply have to sit down to enjoy arroz al horno (oven-baked rice) and the traditional Easter cake pa socarrat. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your getaway today.