Mercado Central de Abastos
Multimedia Gallery
Multimedia Gallery
- Av. Alfonso X El Sabio, 10
- Alacant/Alicante
- 03004
- contact information
- 965140763
- 965140841
- Access the web
Visiting the Mercado Central de Alicante will immerse you in the world of traditional, quality and gourmet food. If you’re a bit of a foodie or simply interested in eating well, you’re going to love this market. Worshipping fresh and quality produce, the stalls sell some of the best fruit from the huertas levantinas as well as produce from more distant lands. They are all defined, however, by two things: quality and variety.
There is nothing quite like browsing the more than 300 stalls with their colourful display of fruits, vegetables, fish and meat and soaking up the incredible atmosphere.
Now, as in the past, the market upholds its values of providing fresh and quality produce to the people of Alicante.
The building of Mercado Central de Alicante features elements of modernism and eclecticism. Its roof contains different panels and the building has two floors and large windows that allow the natural light to flood in. One of the elements defining the market is called la Rotonda, a round area topped with a spherical dome positioned to one side of the main façade.
As time has passed, the market has adapted to new needs and many locals and visitors now make the most of their visit to enjoy an aperitivo. Mercado Central de Alicante is, therefore, the perfect place to spend time with friends and family and taste some of the best produce in the Mediterranean.