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Holy Week in Crevillent is defined by age-old traditions and religious fervour. An incredible and emotive event that you should experience at least once in a lifetime.

The celebrations for Semana Santa, or Holy Week, in Crevillent are a popular tradition among the local population. It is absolutely worth visiting the town during this time to experience events that have been lived for years and years. But before you start planning your trip, double check the dates of the festivities as they depend on when Easter falls.

In 2011, Crevillent’s Semana Santa was named an event of international tourist interest, which gives you some idea of the magnitude of the celebrations. The biggest events start on Holy Tuesday when the procession in honour of Santísimo Cristo de Difuntos y Ánimas fills the streets with torches and hymns.

On Holy Wednesday the brotherhoods come together to prepare the processions for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The latter starts in the early morning with the Dianas, which is when La Veronica and Jesús Nazareno meet in the traditional abrazo or embrace.

On Holy Saturday, the Santo Entierro de Cristo procession takes place, which is a silent and solemn affair. And on Easter Sunday, the different brotherhoods give an emotional performance of Handel’s Hallelujah. Throughout the week, you can enjoy traditional Easter delicacies that are absolutely delicious.

Spend Holy Week in Crevillent to experience an authentic Easter celebration.

*Please confirm event times and dates have not changed.

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Type of interest

International tourist interest

National tourist interest