Birdwatching route around El Hondo Natural Park

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Precio: 78€
Enter the fascinating world of birds in the heart of El Hondo Natural Park with our exciting ornithological route, which will take you from the Visitor Center to Finca El Rincón, accompanied by an expert ornithological guide and enjoying a delicious picnic in the middle of nature! El Hondo is one of the most important wetlands in Spain, SCI, SPA, RAMSAR wetland and Natural Park. It stands out for its great diversity, being a unique landscape enclave where there are important populations of White-headed Duck and Brown Teal, both species included in the red book of endangered species in Spain and scarce in Europe.

This route passes through some of the observatories of the different itineraries of the park (yellow, green and blue) near the lagoon. Visiting the Hondo is to know and understand the transformation of this space of exceptional ecological and landscape value and learn to appreciate the enormous life that exists between the salt marsh and the historic palm orchards. Enjoying this space in a pleasant and peaceful way with the guidance of a guide makes it an unforgettable experience.

Our day will begin at the park's Visitor Center, where we will meet our ornithological guide, who will accompany us throughout the route and guide us in the observation of the birds that inhabit the area.

We will begin our walk along the winding trails that meander through the wetlands and salt marshes of the park, where we will have the opportunity to see a great variety of aquatic and migratory birds, such as flamingos, avocets, herons and many more. With the help of our guide, we will learn to identify the different species and understand their behaviors and habitats.

As we make our way through the park's picturesque landscape, we will stop at several strategic observation points, where we can enjoy panoramic views of the wetlands and spot birds in their natural environment. Our guide will share his knowledge of the local avifauna and provide us with interesting information about the species we observe.

And to recharge our batteries, we will stop in a quiet place to enjoy a delicious picnic or snack, where we will savor a selection of local products while we relax and enjoy the natural surroundings.

At the end of the day, we will return to the Visitor Center with the satisfaction of having explored one of the most impressive bird sanctuaries in the region.

Join us on this exciting ornithological expedition and discover the beauty of El Hondo Natural Park in the company of experts! Book your place now and get ready to live an experience that will connect you with nature in a unique way. We are waiting for you to explore the world of birds together!

Entrance to the Hondo Natural Park through the North Gate.

possibility of completing the route in 4 hours.

to be determined according to the time of the year.

6 km.


Parking lot of the Visitors Center of the Natural Park of El Hondo - Finca el Rincón or at the place to be agreed in case of requesting transfer.

*The client needs his own vehicle. If you need transfer (additional price per person) or another meeting place please contact us to request it.

For any information please contact us by email at or by phone at 622 20 22 10/639 69 38 28..
# Availability
All year
# Services included
Admission to the Natural Park.
Birdwatching guide throughout the route.
Country lunch or picnic.
# Other services
0 €
Transfers (additional price per person on request)
More information

From 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
The schedule may vary depending on the time of the year and the sunrise and sunset times. Schedule to be agreed with the client


From 78€ adults
Free from 0 to 3 years old
From 48€ from 4 to 12 years old