
Walk the interior of the Region of Valencia with contemporary art. It will be the thread of a unique experience. Should we start?

The Contemporary Art Network in the Rural Area of ​​the Region offers you the possibility of knowing the abundant resources, centres and artistic initiatives that our land offer.

Manifestations of Street Art are: 'MIAU, Unfinished Museum of Urban Art' (Fanzara), or Land Art facilities such as those offered by 'Enclave' in Vistabella del Maestrat. We also have contemporary art museums of recognised prestige such as the 'MACVAC, Museum of Contemporary Art Vicente Aguilera Cerni' (Vilafamés); the 'ECA, Espai d'Art Contemporani El Castell' by Riba-roja de Túria or 'Casa-Museo Francisco Torregrosa' (Muro d'Alcoi).

In addition to the spaces intended for the exhibition of the works, you can also live the different events, festivals or fairs that are celebrated around contemporary art throughout the Region of Valencia. If you like art, you have an important appointment in our territory!
