Come and unwind at a peaceful hotel sitting on Gandia waterfront that has all the services you need. Make your next holiday an excellent one.


Hotel RH Riviera in Gandia is a beachfront hotel recommended for over 16s. Offering everything you could possibly want for your holiday, the hotel exudes a relaxing atmosphere so that you can make the very most out of your downtime.

The fantastic waterside location treats you to sea views that you can even enjoy while you’re having something to drink on the terrace. You are also just a stone’s throw from Gandia’s shopping and leisure areas.

The guestrooms at Hotel RH Riviera have a telephone, bath amenities, safe, Wi-Fi and air-conditioning. The decor is modern and elegant and many of the guestrooms have sea views. Just imagine how relaxed you will feel so close to the Mediterranean.

Hotel RH Riviera has plenty of services at your disposal. For instance, you can make your way to the buffet restaurant which serves local and international dishes or to the bar-café with sea views where you can enjoy live music and a unique atmosphere.

Another great option is to spend some time in the living room where you can treat yourself to some chill out time spent watching the television. Alternatively, you can join the animation team and have fun learning to dance, playing games on the beach and embarking on interesting excursions. These activities, as you might imagine, are available during certain periods of the year.

Additionally, you can take a dip in the pool or the hydromassage tub and laze around in the sun at the solarium, which is located on the rooftop of Hotel RH Riviera. And then there is the incredible chiringuito, or beach bar, that the hotel and others from the same chain share on the beach.

There is also a car hire service so that you can set off on an exploration of the landscapes surrounding Gandia and the other incredible destinations that are located not far away. So how about it? Do you fancy a fun and relaxing stay at Hotel RH Riviera in Gandia?

Hotel RH Riviera


Gandia is a unique destination where the Mediterranean has shaped fantastic beaches and where history has left behind fascinating culture and heritage. Come and visit the town of the Borja to enjoy an authentic dish of fideuà and fall in love with the sun, sea and sand.

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