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Come and visit Estubeny’s municipal wash house.

If you’re looking for things to do in Estubeny or wondering what to do in this part of the province of Valencia, a great idea is to stroll the streets, gazing at the details you’ll see on every corner. When you get to Camino de Ronda, almost without realising it, you’ll find yourself standing in front of the municipal wash house, an example of local heritage which is still standing today.

Estubeny wash house was built over a spring in the mid-19th century. It is located in the outskirts of the village, in the direction of the river Sellent and close to Los Cuatro Chorros Fountain, which used to provide locals with water for domestic use. Historically, the wash house was a meeting point where the locals would socialise while washing their clothes. Nowadays, it is no longer used for clothes washing, but it remains in a good condition and can be visited.

Next to the wash house there are other springs used to water the agricultural land, as used to be the case with the waters from the wash house. After passing through the wash house, the water was carried along a pipe to irrigate the small plots of agricultural land located between the river Sellent and the centre of the village.

Come to Estubeny to discover the fountains and wash houses, take a look at the river and enjoy the incredible views and the deep woods. There’s plenty to come and see and do in this treasure of a village.