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De martes a sábado: de 10.00 a 14.00 h y de 15.00 a 18.00 h. Domingos y festivos: de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado. 24 y 31 de diciembre festivos. 25 de diciembre y 1 de enero cerrado.

Museo accesible bajo petición.


Arte Sacro

The Museum is dedicated to the Virgen de la Asunción, the patron saint of Elche. It houses sculptures, paintings and gold and silver work, as well as a rich collection of fabrics, which tell the story of the image of the city's patron saint. Devotion to the Virgen de la Asunción was introduced into the area by King Jaime I ‘The Conqueror' and local legend has it that on December 29th 1370, a chest washed up on the beach at Elche containing the image of the Virgin and its Consueta - the book containing the words and music to be used in the Mystery Play.

Thanks to their devotion, the people of Elche have made numerous valuable donations over the centuries: robes and vestments, crowns and jewels, furniture and various properties that make up the rich heritage of the Virgen de Elche and which are now on public display.