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The seafaring quarter of the town has become a centre of tourist development, with emphasis on nautical activity. The port is protected by a large breakwater and permits the entry of long craft. The commercial quay is next to the warehouses and the fishing quay. The sailing club is located in the north part and has a social club and swimming pool. Its officially approved sailing school is open all summer and offers light sailing courses at various levels. Throughout the rest of the year, it is open at the weekend.


Sailing schools Nautical clubs and marinas Catamaran and dinghy sailing
Hielo Gasolina Correos Seguridad Taxis Aseos Aparcamiento Muelle de Espera Area de Carenaje Radio Tiendas Nauticas Duchas Venta de Embarcaciones Botiquin Bar Banco Alimentación Restaurante Grua Recogida de Basuras Edificio Social Gasoil Telefono Rampa Farmacia Talleres Peluqueria Piscina Hotel Medico Informacion View More Hide