Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Plaça de Baix, 30
- Ontinyent
- 46870
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- 962 916 090
- 962 380 252
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Ontinyent has one of the most historic Moors and Christians festivals in the Region of Valencia. It is in honour of Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía. On the first Sunday, the third of the month of August, Desayuno de la Lágrima (breakfast of the tear) and Pregón de las Fiestas (opening event) kick off the festivities that won’t leaving you wondering what to do over the coming week. On Thursday, the music bands will make their entrada and, when night falls, you can watch the Alardos parade. The Entradas Cristiana y Mora, the entrance of the legions, will take place on Friday. On Saturday, it’s time for Diana and Contrabando with the legions of the Marineros and Contrabandistas, while at night fireworks and parades are the star of the show. On Sunday, there’s Diana de Gala, Misa Mayor (a great mass) and a tribute to old people, followed by a procession. Lastly, Monday will be filled with the roar of arquebuses for the Embajadas. Don’t miss it.
*Please confirm event times and dates have not changed.
From the third to the fourth Sunday of August.
Local festivity, August 28, Monday of the Moors and Christians
International tourist interest
National tourist interest