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Fiestas de las Fallas de Chella gets everyone involved in a programme of Fallas classics and events that are unique to the town.

Chella’s Fallas celebrations are the perfect excuse to visit a destination enveloped in beautiful landscapes where trails lead to Salto de Chella waterfall and the Cuevas del Turco caves. Having recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, the festival programme features events that vary somewhat from the traditional Fallas rituals. There is just one Fallas association in Chella, known as No ni na.

Beyond Despertà (the morning wake-up call), Cabalgata del Ninot (parade of the sculptures) and Ofrenda a la Virgen de Gracia (offering to the saint), the destination has a number of events that celebrate the return of locals who have left the village to live abroad. The tribute to the emigrants is an emotional event while ratà – held after the offering of flowers – is an upbeat affair in which beans, peanuts and wine are served to everyone who is there. Before the fallas sculptures are burnt, marking the end of the year’s festivities, there is a cardboard pick-up procession that is a whole lot of fun. Don’t miss Fallas in Chella.

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