
Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Plaza Mayor, 1
- Borriana/Burriana
- 12530
- contact information
- 964 570 753
- Access the web
Fire and music are the two protagonists of this festivity, which begins with the plantà of the 18 fallas (giant effigies) of the town every 15th March, and comes to a spectacular climax on the night of the 19th March, when fire consumes the work and efforts of a whole year of the craftsmen who mould and paint the ninots (figures on a falla). Burriana fully participates in the festivity that unites all the Valencian people: Fallas. The monumental effigies made out of papier mâché fill the streets of this festive town, and the exciting atmosphere of Fallas is in the air: the smell of gunpowder and flowers, the sounds of music, and fire fill the senses of those who experience five days filled with fantasy and satire. People come from many other villages of the province and indeed from other parts of Spain. This is a huge emotional explosion of colour, lights, and fire, which reaches up to the sky on the day of San José, St. Joseph, when everything is ready for the nit de la cremá, or night of the burning of the fallas. This magical night brings the week of celebrating fallas to a spectacular end. After showing off the wit, skill, and creativity that went into making the fallas, they are then ceremoniously burnt and reduced to ashes, to rise again with the re-birth of the following spring.
Provincial tourist interest
Autonomous tourist interest