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Experience a festive tradition rooted in one of València’s oldest neighbourhoods. Head out to the streets and join in the festivities!

Festes de Sant Bult, San Bult Festival, commemorates a tradition that is deeply rooted in València’s La Xerea neighbourhood. The name, Sant Bult, refers to a small, Roman image of Christ that is believed to have been carved in the 12th century. Most likely used for military campaigns, this figure of Christ has been worshipped for centuries in València, and specifically in this former Muslim quarter of the city. This tradition dates back to the 14th century and is still very much alive today, thanks to the hard work of residents that live in these historic streets.

Held in June, San Bult Festival features processions, concerts, activities for children and outdoor stages. What’s more, cultural associations have been formed around this religious figure, organising exhibitions, boasting a fantastic choir and hosting music events for young people. La Xerea is undeniably a culturally vibrant neighbourhood worth checking out. Time your visit with this festival and explore one of València’s oldest districts during the festive season.

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Local tourist interest