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Castles are wonderful places to visit, particularly this fortress perched above the town of Monóvar.

Castillo de Monóvar was built between the 12th and 13th centuries – the Almohad period – and was in use until the 17th century thanks to its strategic positioning that enabled it to monitor the comings and goings along routes to the south and other local settlements.

As the castle perches on top of a hill, its floor plan is rather irregular. Despite currently being in ruins, you can still see part of the wall and the tower.

The people who built the castle were not the first to see the advantages of this location. Excavation work in the area has discovered remains dating back to the Bronze Age, fragments of ceramics from the Alhomad period (which was when the fortress was built), domestic utensils from a later period and a piece of jewellery dating from the 15th or 16th centuries.

Once you’ve finished looking around the castle, there are plenty of other sights to see in Monóvar. As you wander around the centre, you will soon come across the clock tower, San Juan Bautista church and Museo de Artes y Oficios. You can also find out more about the town’s connection with the great writer Azorín at the Casa Museo. And, of course, you have to try the local cuisine, especially gazpacho, gachamigas and olleta de Sant Antoni. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore this pretty town whose skyline is defined by its impressive castle.