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The festive character of the people of Onda is made obvious throughout the whole year through a large number of festive events organized by the commissions of the different districts of the town. Therefore, from spring to autumn, it is difficult for the visitor not to find an area of the locality that isn’t enjoying the traditional bulls in the streets, street parties, and suppers for members of the brotherhoods, etc., organized by each district. This festive calendar starts at the beginning of April, with the medieval fair arranged by the district of San Juan. The following week after Easter, the district of la Moreria celebrates the saint’s day of San Vicente Ferrer. In May, it is the turn of the Vila-Real district, with San Pascual, and then the district of Monseñor Fernando Ferris. At the beginning of June, it is the district of Camí Cstelló; next, San Joan, and before the end of the month it is the district of San Pedro, who organize an interesting display of traditional arts and crafts of Onda, whereas in July the Artesa and the Castillo areas hold festivities. In August the districts of el Salvador, la Virgen de Agosto, Tosalet, Monteblanco and San Joaquin districts all have their festivities.

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Varias fechas desde abril hasta agosto

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Ending date
