L'Horta Nord, immerse yourself in Valencia’s beautiful agricultural land

L'Horta Nord

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  • Paterna, Burjassot, Alboraia/Alboraya, Moncada, Puçol, Massamagrell, Godella, Meliana, Rafelbunyol, Tavernes Blanques, El Puig de Santa Maria, La Pobla de Farnals, Foios, Rocafort, Almàssera, Museros, Albuixech, Albalat dels Sorells, Bonrepòs i Mirambell, Vinalesa, Alfara del Patriarca, Massalfassar, Emperador
Come and explore a landscape where the agricultural land rubs shoulders with the coast. Discover the secrets of this sun-kissed county.


Located in the province of Valencia, L’Horta Nord boasts some of the most unique scenery in the Region of Valencia. Extending all the way to the sea, plots of agricultural land extend are alive with a kaleidoscope of colours that varies depending on the crop being grown and the season. This is a beautiful corner of the Region that is steeped in history. 

The trails and irrigation channels are pocked with sluices, ravines, farmhouses and engines: proof that the huerta – the agricultural land – is alive and well, sourcing ingredients used to make traditional dishes. The hydraulic heritage in the area breathes history and is a reason to visit L’Horta Nord in itself.

Pull on your walking shoes or get your bike ready to set off on an exploration of agricultural land, farmhouses and old irrigation channels. Vía Verde Xurra will be a great guide.  

Destinations in L’Horta Nord

A large number of municipalities comprise L’Horta Nord and all of them breathe charm, even the bigger towns. In Albalat dels Sorells, make your way to Els Sorells Palace, a beautiful Gothic structure, and in Alboraya you simply have to go to Port Saplaya to see the unique spectacle of its inland marina as well as La Patacona Beach where you can enjoy all sorts of bars and restaurants.

Make your way through the agricultural land in Albuixech and Alfara del Patriarca, stopping off on your way to take a picture of La Serena House (also known as La Sirena House). In Almàssera you’ll find yourself in historic streets lined with pretty façades. Forget about your watch and take your time to explore the centres of Emperador, Foios, Bonrepòs i Mirambell, Museros, Rafelbunyol, Tavernes Blanques and Vinalesa and, of course, the fields encircling them. The area around El Carraixet ravine is particularly lovely. 

Next up is Meliana where you’ll see many ceramic-clad façades and a beautiful palace, Nolla Palace. L’Horta Nord’s history is also interwoven with industry. In Moncada don’t miss the ruins of El Tos Pelat, a walled Iberian settlement, and in Rocafort spend some time exploring Mayor street and plaza as well as Los Padres Agustinos Church. 

Continuing through L’Horta Nord, you’ll find yourself in Burjassot where you can visit Los Silos, an old underground warehouse, and then Paterna. The latter is renowned for La Cordà, an incredible pyrotechnic show, and for the views you can breathe in from El Calvario de Paterna

Godella boasts Balcón de la Huerta, a plaza granting enchanting views over the huerta, while Massalfassar and Massamagrell are lovely places to take a bike ride among the fields. La Pobla de Farnals is a pretty place with a beachside centre and El Puig de Santa Maria is populated with monumental buildings like Ara Cristi Charterhouse and Santa María del Puig Royal Monastery.

Our tour around L’Horta Nord concludes in Puçol, which makes a great trailhead for beautiful hikes. 

Things to do in L’Horta Nord 

Have you got a few days to explore L’Horta Nord? Make sure you go to Alboraya to try horchata, a Designation of Origin drink made of tiger nuts that is traditionally accompanied with fartons, a sort of iced bun which are dunked into the beverage. The combination will satisfy your craving for something sweet. 

You’ll also want to put Paterna Caves on your to-visit list. The Oscar-winning film director Pedro Almodóvar shot some scenes here. Next, take a walk around La Vallesa Wood and, of course, save some time for a beach day. There are plenty to choose from, namely Norte and Sur Beaches in La Pobla de Farnals, and Puig Val-Play Puig Beach in El Puig de Santa María.

So now you’ve got all the information you need about L’Horta Nord at your fingertips, it’s time to start planning a getaway that you’re going to love.